
Consumers have a lot
to say, listen to them!

We analyze spontaneous mentions from consumers on social media to uncover their unmet needs, the best ways to reach them, and to help you identify your competitive advantage so that you can fulfil your business objectives

We cover 3 main business question categories


    “How can I better address my customers?”

    “How was my campaign perceived?”

    “How can I adapt my claim and communication to ensure that my messages reach my targets?”

    “Is this person the right ambassador for my brand?”


    “How is my brand perceived and positioned in its key markets?”

    “How can I stand out in my market?”

    “How can my brand evolve in sync with my customers?

    “Are there any newcomers I should be watching closely?”


    “How can I develop my offer with minimal risk?”

    “How do I innovate, by drawing inspiration from consumers?

    “How are consumer needs and behaviors evolving and what are the latest trends I need to be aware of?”

dynvibe meltwater branchwatch talkwalker

We use the best-in-class Social Monitoring technologies

Our analysts unleash the power of social data with our social listening platform, Dynvibe SPHERE, or yours. In both cases, we cover a large spectrum of sources worldwide.

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • Amazon
  • Sinaweibo
  • Tmall
  • Xiaohongshu
  • Zhihu
  • RSS
  • And more

We analyze the data for you and deliver powerful insights through turnkey reports


    Just like a SWOT analysis on your potential ambassador, in no time

    What you can do with it:

    • Choose an ambassador that has an affinity with your brand
    • Target the right audience with the right ambassador
    • Understand how this public figure is perceived and what traits of his/her personality stand out
    • Steer clear of controversial celebrities


    A YES or NO answer to your most straightforward business questions, in no time

    What you can do with it:

    • Quickly confirm or refute your intuitions, within a week
    • Gain macro-level understanding of a topic, before deciding to deepen the exploration
    • Back your decisions with consumer-based facts


    An in-depth analysis of your campaign’s performance

    What you can do with it:

    • Assess your campaign's success in terms of visibility, perception and engagement
    • Determine your campaign's key success factors and actions that need improvement
    • Compare your campaign with your competitors’


    A deep-dive into your consumers’ perception of a concept

    What you can do with it:

    • Understand a new trend or concept that can affect your market and impact consumers’ habits
    • Enter your consumers' universe and approach them with the right products and communication strategies
    • Access an insightful panorama of users' verbatims and pictures, detailing their lifestyle, motivations and aspirations of the concept.


    Reach your target audience with the best influence strategy

    What you can do with it:

    • Understand a concept or trend and related consumers needs
    • Identify influencers who can embody best your concept
    • Find inspiration in influence strategies


    A YES or NO answer to your most straightforward business questions, in no time

    What you can do with it:

    • Quickly confirm or refute your intuitions, within a week
    • Gain macro-level understanding of a topic, before deciding to deepen the exploration
    • Back your decisions with consumer-based facts


    An inside-out analysis of your brand

    What you can do with it:

    • Discover the brand’s DNA and values from the consumers’ point of view
    • Identify the types of consumer profiles interested in the brand and how they assess the brand's strategy & assets
    • Unveil which of the brand’s categories & products drive most conversations and why


    A full analysis of your brand

    What you can do with it:

    • Understand & refine your positioning in your competitive environment based on consumers perception.
    • Evaluate the ‘must haves’ from a consumer perspective & identify the brands that truly deliver on them in your market.
    • Get inspired by current best practices within your industry/ targeted category.


    A rapid screening of a brand’s key success factors

    What you can do with it:

    • Decrypt what consumers identify as the brand’s strengths & main pain points.
    • Understand the brand’s dynamics i.e. assess what drives conversations and why.


    A consumer insight-fueled SWOT for any product, delivered in less than 3 business days

    What you can do with it:

    • Understand consumer perception of the product and its performance
    • Identify the product’s visibility & key attributes
    • Meet consumer expectations for product improvement and development


    A consumer insight-fueled SWOT for any ingredient, delivered in one week

    What you can do with it:

    • Identify the ingredient’s visibility & associated topics
    • Understand the consumer perception of the ingredient and its perceived benefits & pain points
    • Assess the potential risks and opportunities to seize with the ingredient


    An in-depth, consumer-fueled analysis of your category

    What you can do with it:

    • Identify the key success factors of a category or market thanks to consumers’ perception of several competitors (minimum 3 products)
    • Meet consumers’ needs & expectations, understand their motivations & frustrations
    • Understand the strengths and weaknesses of each product/brand in comparison with yours


    A deep-dive into the topic of your choice: concept, category, claim, packaging

    What you can do with it:

    • Understand a new trend or concept that can affect your market and impact consumers’ usage
    • Explore a topic thoroughly
    • Meet consumers’ needs & expectations, understand their motivations & frustrations
    • Inspire your strategy by answering customer expectations


    A (very) deep dive into your topic of choice

    What you can do with it:

    • Explore the topic thoroughly
    • Identify your audience and understand how they use or perceive the product/brand/topic...
    • Underline key strengths, pain points & unanswered needs, and identify white spaces
    • Inspire your brand strategy by answering customer expectations


    A deep dive into the emerging trends you need to stay ahead of

    What you can do with it:

    • Understand consumer behavior, expectations and unanswered needs surrounding a category or topic
    • Anticipate future trends to remain ahead of the market
    • Imagine innovation paths to fulfill consumer needs

What makes us special?

  • We are a strong team
    of native talents

    Our team is made up of around 85+ native analysts. They ensure the insights we deliver are grounded in the fine understanding of local cultures. 80% of our projects are multi-countries.

  • We provide more
    than dashboards

    We are passionate about consumer insights but above all we seek actionable insights; relevant information you can measure and use immediately to obtain tangible business results.

  • We adapt to
    your needs

    Agility is at the heart of what we do and of our approach with clients. We listen to your needs, we define the best report format, and we ensure the insights are fine-tuned to your exact requirements.

The perks of Social Intelligence the Dynvibe way

  • No preconceived notions
    Consumers express themselves freely and spontaneously. We do not use questionnaires or research panels in our analysis.
    Qualitative verbatims, photos, videos, drawn from various social media sources.
  • Significant volumes of data, in real time
    Our analysis is based on representative samples of consumer mentions, collected in real time, and filtered with artificial intelligence tools.
  • An international vision
    Our platforms gather consumer mentions from all over the world. Over 80% of our research is carried out simultaneously in multiple countries.
  • Fast turnaround times
    The easy access to data and the agility of our processes allows us to deliver results in a few weeks.
  • Recommendations and support
    Several meetings (from kickoff to delivery and presentation) to better advise and overcome concerns.

Changemakers are shaping your market, stay connected to their signals!

There are a lot of ‘Changemakers’ out there and they are powerful on social media. Discover how you can leverage these influencers’ content to get a head start in your category.

Who are the changemakers?

They are social media profiles that are the most likely to create or diffuse a change in your category.
They combine assets from 2 powerful sources of influence: the social media influencers and the key opinion leaders.

We follow the changemakers of your category
and deliver alerting reports

  • We monitor
    of Changemakers

    To detect your category shifts as early as possible, we focus our attention on individuals that are at the source of transformation: the changemakers who express themselves on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter and Youtube.

  • Our AI platform
    their behaviors

    Dynvibe DETECT collects data to identify, analyze, assess and track Changemakers’ mentioned topics. It also continuously alerts our analysts regarding unusual event in topic evolutions.

  • Our analysts ‘sprinkle’
    their expertise
    through reports

    Our analysts select the most impactful alerts and decrypt them for you through quarterly insights reports.


Our unique platform tracks the changemakers and identifies signals

At Dynvibe, we don’t have a crystal ball that predicts the future, but we’ve developed an AI-driven platform ‘Dynvibe DETECT’ that identifies & evaluates the signals that will shape your market tomorrow from 4 main sources:

  • TikTok
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • YouTube

We don’t leave you with just data, we provide you with quaterly reports with impactful signals

How could your brand and Changemakers’ power meet?


Get a custom-made
Changemakers community

We build your own Changemakers community
and deliver dedicated quaterly reports.


Or join our Skinfluencer's
syndicated offer

Unveil the power of the skinfluencers with our quaterly syndicated reports dedicated to the Skincare market,